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Notice: Starting January 1, 2025, pricing for New Patient and Follow Up Visits will increase slightly. Please note that any appointments scheduled for the new year will be charged at the new rate.


Acupuncture is mind-body medicine, used to treat both physical and mental-emotional concerns. It is the Chinese Medicine practice of inserting tiny needles into specific acupuncture points on the body to promote health and combat disease. Practiced for over 3000 years, each acupuncture point has a specific purpose and a predictable result. Unlike needles used to give injections, acupuncture nee... Read More

Acupuncture is mind-body medicine, used to treat both physical and mental-emotional concerns. It is the Chinese Medicine practice of inserting tiny needles into specific acupuncture points on the body to promote health and combat disease. Practiced for over 3000 years, each acupuncture point has a specific purpose and a predictable result. Unlike needles used to give injections, acupuncture needles are flexible, and extremely fine, approximately the diameter of a single human hair. Of course, only single-use, sterile, disposable needles are used.

I don’t believe in the idea that you have to experience pain to heal. My treatments are gentle and typically not painful. Treatments are quite relaxing and people often fall asleep.

Cassandra Nelson is a Licensed Acupuncturist, a National Board-Certified Chinese Medicine Herbalist, and a National Board-Certified Diplomat of Oriental Medicine. She is an expert in alternative medicine fertility.

Cassandra has a BA in Liberal Arts from San Diego State University and a MS in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Pacific College of Health and Science, ranked in the top 2 post-graduate colleges for acupuncture and alternative medicine in the U.S.

In 2008, Cassandra was chosen to apprentice with internationally known fertility expert, Randine Lewis, PhD, LAc, and author of The Infertility Cure. For 3 years, she worked closely with Randine at The Fertile Soul as a member of Clinical Excellence in Fertility Professionals (CEFP).

In practice for over 18 years, Cassandra is a women’s health advocate. Her practice focuses on women’s mental and physical health. She works with the important issues of fertility, pregnancy, hormone balance, gynecology and emotional struggles. Her clinic, Acupuncture & Fertility, is a space for women to be truly heard and cared for in a safe, healing space. It is a place to recover from life’s stress and heal from the inside out.

Cassandra Nelson is a Licensed Acupuncturist, a National Board-Certified Chinese Medicine Herbali... Read More

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Located at: 4010 E. North St. , Suite 4, Greenville
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